Case Studies

Goodman Air Conditioner Maintenance Restores Cooling in Martinez

Goodman Air Conditioner Maintenance Restores Cooling in Martinez


Imagine coming home to a house as hot or hotter than the air outside. Many little things can go wrong with an air conditioner, and that’s just what happened to the newlyweds in this case.

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Heat Pump Maintenance Service in Evans, GA

Heat Pump Maintenance Service in Evans, GA


It was just another workday in Evans when we received a service call from a single mom about a heat pump. We were told that this particular heat pump dimmed the lights every time the unit kicked on. Worse yet, this problem was popping up during some of Georgia’s doggiest days.

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Helping a Senior in Hephzibah More Efficiently Cool Her Home with a Heat Pump

Helping a Senior in Hephzibah More Efficiently Cool Her Home with a Heat Pump


When summer scorchers set their sights on Georgia, extreme heatwaves often shatter temperature records. In May 2024, Hephzibah experienced an earlier and warmer spring than usual, and the thermostat in one local home was continuing to climb as her Rheem heat pump struggled to keep up.

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Split System in North Augusta

UV HVAC Light Installation in Augusta, GA


In the AAFA’s Spring Allergy Capitals report of 2018, Augusta was ranked as the 45th most challenging American city in which to live with spring allergies.

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Split System in North Augusta

Split System in North Augusta


Bailey's Comfort Services helped a customer achieve a more even cool by swapping from a single-stage to a two-stage system.

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Air Handler Goes Cleaner With Air Filtration

Air Handler Goes Cleaner With Air Filtration


Tired of sniffles and indoor allergies? Read on to learn how a family in Evans solved this problem with a Patriot UV system.

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